About Us

The IEQAB – International Education Quality Accreditation Body is a private International Accreditation organization that co-ordinates accreditation activities across the globe. IEQAB is recognized and Accredited by ITQSM, EIEAS, WAC, BQS, QAHE (IAQAHE), AAQA, DRPF, EAHEA, ELQN, GCTIA and so on. IEQAB plays a significant role that an educational institution maintains a certain level of educational standards. Ideally, IEQAB focuses on the many areas of Modern educational management scopes and functions either concern institute ensures these or not. IEQAB is assessing the capacity of an educational institution to perform its main functions. It is a process that focuses on the strategic management and the processes, policies and procedures, existing or future plan used within an institution as well as general framework conditions. The IEQAB is a global watchdog organization devoted to the International Educational establishment such as University, College, Professional Training Service Providers, Development Institutes and Distance Learning Providers, Online Education Service Providers. IEQAB helps to the International Educational Institutes to perform better Education Quality by ensuring top quality standards of education and required standard set of EDU Qual across the globe connected with distance learning, online education as well as tertiary level of education.

The IEQAB for International Higher Education is an independent Education Quality Assurance and Accreditation body working to benefit international students and International higher education, and one of the leading entity in quality assurance. We are trusted by international higher education providers and private authorization bodies to maintain and enhance educational quality and Edu service standards. We work with diverse entities for instance: non governments, Governments agencies and private and public institutions, Distance Learning Education Providers globally to benefit in higher education and to gain international reputation.

The IEQAB accreditation confirms an education quality standard ensured and verified by a top level
International education board according to The cambridgeinternational.org Five elements lie at the
heart of an education: 1) international curriculum, 2) teaching and learning, 3) assessment, 4)
international recognition and 5) global community.

International curriculum

IEQAB highly encourages and suggests to develop international curriculum for a wide range of subjects and give university/college/schools flexibility in how to offer them. IEQAB support schools in developing a curriculum that suits their context, culture and ethos, and that they can tailor to their students’ needs.

Teaching and learning

IEQAB provide professional development for teachers, to help them improve their performance and practice throughout their careers. IEQAB encourage teaching practices that develop the ability of students to reflect on their learning.


IEQAB aid to design the assessments process which to be fair, valid, reliable and practicable. We assess what we know to be of value: deep subject knowledge, conceptual understanding, and higher level thinking skills. IEQAB suggested & verified flexible assessment structure maximises time for teaching and learning.

International recognition

IEQAB qualifications are widely recognized by international institutes, universities and employers. IEQAB Accredited University/College/Training Schools/Academy students can be confident that their qualifications will be understood and valued throughout their education and career, in their home country and internationally.